Friday, August 22, 2014

Maharashtrian Lady, Figure Study No.12

In graphite
On 11 by 14 inches Strathmore Bristol Smooth

I am so glad that I am finally able to do a figure in traditional Indian costume. I have been wanting to draw one but lacked the confidence. Reading Barbara Bradley's book gave me the confidence to try one. This was an excellent exercise on fabric folds and drapery.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Magnolia : A Master Study

This painting is done under the direction of the watercolor artist, Jacqueline Gnott. I have signed up for her learning forum so I will be able to learn better under a master watercolor artist. I recommend this membership based learning forum for anyone interested in learning more about watercolor painting. In this particular video, I learned how to do smooth blending and paint in rich, dark background using black pigment.
8 38 by 9 18 inches on 300 lbs. Kilimanjaro

Saturday, August 16, 2014

The Rooftop Gargoyle

11 by 14 inches on 300 lbs. Kilimanjaro

I followed the direction of the watercolor artist, Susan Avis Murphy, on her rivulet technique to do the painting. It is explained clearly in her blog. I did this painting as a part of this month painting challenge in PMP. Reference photo is by the artist, Suzanne Wallick.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Figure Study No.11

11 x 14 inches
On Strathmore Bristol Smooth

Just finished this drawing as a part of my ongoing series Figure Study.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Standing Lady with Back Turned, Figure Study No.10

11 x 14 inches 
On Canson Ca'grain

I have been doing a series of figure study drawings; this is my tenth figure study drawing. You can see the earlier drawings from my wordpress art blog- see the column alongside. I am using white charcoal in a drawing for the first time and I am getting a hang of how I can use it against a grey background. 

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Welcome Spring

Completed under the direction of the watercolor artist, Jacqueline Gnott.
In watercolors on a 9 by 12 inches 300-lbs. Kilimanjaro watercolor paper.