Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Marguerites and Cherries

9 by 12 -inch on 140 lbs. Kilimanjaro 

This still life is painted after challenge no.76 from my favorite painting challenge blog, A nos pinceaux . I was so captured by the luscious, red cherries but was a bit intimidated of painting so many of them. I also wanted to capture the delicate white petals of the marguerites. Eventually, the desire to paint the still life overcame my hesitation.So here it is! I took my time painting; pausing in between to study the painting to see if anything is amiss. I edited a bit from the reference photo to suit my taste.All in all, I am happy with the result. Thanks Evelyn for providing such a wonderful still life! 

Tuesday, September 30, 2014


8 by 10 inches on an unknown watercolor paper

My last painting for 30 in 30 days challenge from Leslie Saeta. Well, I did not paint 30 paintings. I am rather a slow painter and I keep aside and study my paintings as they progress. It looks like I can't break that habit even with this challenge. Ha! So this is more like 15 paintings in 30 days. :)

Here is a collage of all the painting I did in September for the challenge

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Apples and Grapes

Almost 9 by 12 inches on a 140 lbs Langton Prestige

I painted this for challenge No. 79 from A nos Pinceaux . The grapes took sometime to finish. I really took my own time to finish this piece. As the result, I missed a few days for the 30 for 30 days challenge. I don't want to sacrifice the quality by churning out a painting a day. It looks like I am comfortable doing the challenge at this pace. 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Western Bluebird

5 by 7 inches on Strathmore 500 Watercolor Paper

Reference photo by Michael B.Utin from PMP

Monday, September 15, 2014

Wisteria Series No.3

4 by 6 inches on Arches.

Wisterias in blooms and the bees are pretty busy.

P.S: I am not including "Things you don't know about me" in this and the last post because I don't know what to include that are painting related. I can't paint solely to connect with the theme. I usually paint what I feel like painting. So, I have decided that if there are relevant connection, I will write about it. 

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Wisteria Series No. 2

4 by 6 inches on 140 lbs. Arches

I got so excited with my last wisteria painting, I couldn't resist trying another one. 

Saturday, September 13, 2014


4 by 6 inches on 140 lbs. Arches 

I am smitten with painting loose in watercolor. I painted this without any preliminary sketch. I think painting loose gives you a lot of flexibility and so more freedom. I am kinda starting to understand how the artists approach when they start painting loose. I hope I can expand and learn more about painting loose in the future.

Reference image from Morgue File

Things You Dont Know About Me

10. I love to learn and self-teach new things that I am interested in.  Learning to paint loose is my latest interest as is evident in this blog. If I start off right, I may keep learning more about painting loose and get good at it. If not, it will go to the tried-and-failed pile. I hope it wont come to that.