Tuesday, September 30, 2014


8 by 10 inches on an unknown watercolor paper

My last painting for 30 in 30 days challenge from Leslie Saeta. Well, I did not paint 30 paintings. I am rather a slow painter and I keep aside and study my paintings as they progress. It looks like I can't break that habit even with this challenge. Ha! So this is more like 15 paintings in 30 days. :)

Here is a collage of all the painting I did in September for the challenge

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Apples and Grapes

Almost 9 by 12 inches on a 140 lbs Langton Prestige

I painted this for challenge No. 79 from A nos Pinceaux . The grapes took sometime to finish. I really took my own time to finish this piece. As the result, I missed a few days for the 30 for 30 days challenge. I don't want to sacrifice the quality by churning out a painting a day. It looks like I am comfortable doing the challenge at this pace. 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Western Bluebird

5 by 7 inches on Strathmore 500 Watercolor Paper

Reference photo by Michael B.Utin from PMP

Monday, September 15, 2014

Wisteria Series No.3

4 by 6 inches on Arches.

Wisterias in blooms and the bees are pretty busy.

P.S: I am not including "Things you don't know about me" in this and the last post because I don't know what to include that are painting related. I can't paint solely to connect with the theme. I usually paint what I feel like painting. So, I have decided that if there are relevant connection, I will write about it. 

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Wisteria Series No. 2

4 by 6 inches on 140 lbs. Arches

I got so excited with my last wisteria painting, I couldn't resist trying another one. 

Saturday, September 13, 2014


4 by 6 inches on 140 lbs. Arches 

I am smitten with painting loose in watercolor. I painted this without any preliminary sketch. I think painting loose gives you a lot of flexibility and so more freedom. I am kinda starting to understand how the artists approach when they start painting loose. I hope I can expand and learn more about painting loose in the future.

Reference image from Morgue File

Things You Dont Know About Me

10. I love to learn and self-teach new things that I am interested in.  Learning to paint loose is my latest interest as is evident in this blog. If I start off right, I may keep learning more about painting loose and get good at it. If not, it will go to the tried-and-failed pile. I hope it wont come to that.

Friday, September 12, 2014


10 by 14 inches on 140 lbs Arches

I did painting for Challenge No. 48 of PADT

Things You Dont Know About Me

9. I don't like to have pet or any backyard animals. Period. They are messy and we have to clean up after them. That is my only reason.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Canna Series No.10

Approximately 7 by 5 inches on watercolor paper

I just couldn't help myself try painting loose again. Not sure how successful I am here. I painted this without any pencil sketches.A big diversion from my usual painting technique.

Things You Dont Know About Me

8. Though I say to myself my favorite color is blue, I tend to lean toward pink and red. 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

A Good Day To Travel

4 by 6 inches on Arches

Relearning landscape painting in baby steps.

Things You Dont Know About Me

7. Love to be on the road. I enjoy hitting the road and soak up the nature. We just recently traveled from the south to the north of United States and back on road and we enjoyed every bit of it.

Monday, September 8, 2014


8 by 10 inches on Fabriano Studio

Things You Dont Know About Me

6. Though I am an optimist, I get easily discouraged. Like this loose painting on Gladiolus. I want to paint well in loose but it is just not happening. I am pondering on sticking with drawing tight, which I am good at. But the optimist in me keeps reminding, I can get better with practice. I find that hard to digest.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Canna Beauty

About 9 by 12 inches on 140 lbs.Langton Prestige

Reference image : Mike Hoth from PMP

Things You Dont Know About Me

5. Canna is my favorite subject in floral painting. I am always drawn to Cannas when I decide to do floral painting. My earliest memories of Cannas are from my grandparent's residence during the childhood. They had a profusion of canna plants bordering around each of their coconut palms. As they fertilized the coconut, the cannas also get benefited and they thrived, yielding a profusion of canna blooms. I was too young to appreciate their beauty but they left an impression in me. Many years later, I  started appreciating them in new light and that spilled over to my paintings. This is ninth in my series of Canna Lily paintings. 

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Canna Explosion

9 by 12 inches on Strathmore 500 Series Watercolor Paper

Things You Dont Know About Me

4. I absolutely love loose watercolor painting. But I  have low confidence in doing one. I almost ditched this painting twice before I tackled it to completion.So any feedbacks from you are welcome.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


9 by 12 inches on Kilimanjaro

I am glad to have finished this painting which I had almost thought I wouldn't finish today. I used the "rivulet technique", that I have mentioned before, to do this painting.

Things You Dont Know About Me

3. I believe in Guardian Angels. After undergoing some profound personal experiences, which I dont want to elaborate here, and after researching about it  throughout last year, I have started believing in guardian angels/spirits. It has changed my outlook on life to a large extent. I can say that I have become more spiritual than ever before. I am so glad I get to experience it.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Winter Cardinal

In watercolors on Strathmore 500 Series Watercolor Paper
Image size : 7 by 5 inches ; paper size  8 by 10 inches

The second day of the challenge. I am seeing that this is truly a challenge for me; to fit in with my schedule. I am still unsure as to how successfully I can carry this out.

Reference Photo by : Rodney Campbell Smith

Things You Dont Know About Me

2. A couple of years back I wouldn't imagine myself painting bird. I never considered  birds as subject for painting especially in watercolors. I did wistfully look through watercolor how-to books on painting birds and that was it. My membership in PaintMyPhoto forum changed that. I was awestruck at the amazing bird photographs posted by the talented photographers there. So much so that it inspired and kick-started me into painting birds.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Landscape Studying in Sepia

I have signed up for Leslie Saeta's 30 paintings in 30 days . It is certainly unnerving for me because I have never challenged myself to paint everyday or to paint in a particular theme at a stretch because I am mostly a person who paints when the painting mood strikes and give myself time and space in between paintings. So, when the painting mojo strikes me, it is painting and drawing one after the other. I am not sure if I can do 30 in 30 days; but there is no harm trying.

Things You Dont Know About Me

1. I am not much of a landscape painter. That explains the sepia study of this landscape. My painting subjects varies from still life to figure to portrait to floral to bird but I have only done very few landscape paintings in 5 years of painting. Recently, my former instructor asked me to do a landscape painting; so I decided to kick start with this landscape painting in sepia tone. It is about time I get outside my comfort zone.